Pondering Personal Patronage

It’s been a while since I’ve posted, ‘cos I’ve been really busy recently. Work’s been really busy – new clients, new staff, blah blah etcetera. I do have some big, thought-heavy posts brewing, but they could take a long time to percolate into the hot, strong deliciousness you’re used to. (Did I mention, I’ve started drinking coffee lately – mocha to be specific, still too wimpy for the real stuff.).

This is just going to be a quick post, as I’ve been having more thoughts about raising money. As I mentioned before in this post about charity/fundraising I’m really keen on the idea of having a smoothie bike event (cos ya know, making your own smoothies with the power of LEGS!!). The last fundraiser I did was for Cancer Research UK and The Little Princess Trust (when I chopped off all my hair and sent it for them to make wigs outta) to support my Gran when she lost her hair due to cancer & cancer treatment.

This time though, I’d like to support a charity which is important to me in a way which is less personal and emotional, and more relevant to my personality and interests and that kind of thing. There are a lot of worthy causes out there and choosing one has been tricky because I’d really love to donate time and money to loads of them

So, in an effort to combine smoothie bikes and my own interests and fund raising, I think I’m going to do something for Child’s Play. One of the niftiest things about the smoothie bikes is that they have a game system attached where you can compete with each other and stuff, so it ties in quite nicely.

The only thing that’s stopping me diving right in and organising this now is the associated cost – smoothie bikes and ingredients and venues and all that lot don’t come cheap. I’d need to hold a fund raiser for my fund raiser! So I thought I’d see if any of you geniuses have any ideas or suggestions as to how to do it without incurring too much of a cost (which I’d have to pay out of my own pocket as Child’s Play only accept 100% fund raisers).

Answers on a post card (or in a comment) please.

3 thoughts on “Pondering Personal Patronage

  1. Great idea on doing more fundraising. Would you ever consider doing a kick-starter?

    I’m not sure how you’d break it down though. But maybe offer something arty/creative to raise the money necessary. So like £5 for a drawing of a person in cat-form. £10 for a personalised poem. You get the jist. Then once you’re raised the money necessary you can then get people to bring down their friends and donate money for smoothies and donate to get you to do silly things.

    I’m not sure how exactly how you’d get the kickstarted to work but it’s a cool way of getting some money together. 🙂

    • I love the phenomena of crowd funding but it would take a lot of thought to get it all sorted and decide on rewards. I’m not very arty at all so I’d find it tricky to give people pictures and such.

What do you think?